What’s better than one paper florist?
A whole bunch!
Join our paper flower community for a series of 8 virtual workshops. We’ll start with basic techniques, then work step-by-step on specific paper flowers and foliage. We will conclude with a class on how to arrange all of these creations into a fun and elegant display.
Experienced and beginner paper florists will find fun and learning at Awesome Blossom! Jessie Chui of Crafted to Bloom and Quynh Nguyen of Pink and Posey will teach the classes, with support from our team for students who need a little extra help.
All of the workshops are recorded and available for replay. So if you can’t make the virtual workshop, you can always watch it later!
We can’t wait to celebrate the craft we love with you!

You want details. We’ve got them.
Workshop classes meet at 10am PT / 1pm ET on Zoom on the scheduled dates. See below for the full schedule with the dates and what we will be learning.
Materials and tools are not provided with these classes, but you can purchase glue and Kai Scissors from our partner, The Posey Box. If you want to gather the supplies yourself, we’ll provide a list beforehand for each class.
The first class will build our foundation, and then we will progress from easier to more technical flowers with each workshop. Our last class will show you how to connect all of the flowers and foliages you created in a cohesive way. We’ll give you a recipe for a small or large sized arrangement, and guide you on how to make it feel airy and light, or dark and moody. (Sometimes you just need to brood.)
These workshops are all about teaching you skills that can be used later on, so we’ll show how to adapt our flowers with different options like increasing realism, making them more durable, and using various colors. We’ll also cover more advanced techniques for you old pros out there.
Don’t worry if you don’t have any paper flower experience! All we ask is for you to bring your enthusiasm, and we will guide you step-by-step and flower by flower so that you can keep up with the class. If you do have more experience, you’ll go home with a fresh perspective on both new and old techniques—plus an amazing arrangement. You really can’t lose.
After you purchase the workshop…
You’ll be invited to a private Facebook group where you'll be able to connect with other students, access the schedule of virtual workshops and cutting parties, be notified of when things are posted in the course platform, and reminders. Our Facebook group is open for questions, cheering each other on, etc. We believe in learning together and succeeding together. Joining the Facebook group is entirely optional.
Before the scheduled workshop…
You’ll be provided with the full material list 30 days before the virtual workshop so you can buy any materials or supplies as needed. We will tell you what you need to do to prepare for the virtual workshop, such as how many petals to cut.
One of our team members will host a virtual Cutting Party where you can cut petals with other students virtually! This is entirely optional but it's a good idea if you need some guidance on how to cut the petals for the specific tutorial. The Cutting Party is scheduled 1 week prior to the virtual workshop.
During the workshop…
Bring your materials and tools to the class! Then, sign in using the Zoom link in the workshop materials on the course platform. Workshops are between 2-3 hours long so be prepared to block off that time.
After the workshop…
All workshops are recorded and uploaded to the course platform within 72 hours so you can watch and rewatch the replay at your leisure and pace. You'll have an opportunity to share your masterpieces with other students in our Facebook Group.

Meet the paper flower artists who will be guiding you through this workshop series!

Quynh Nguyen
Hi, I’m Quynh Nguyen, the artist behind Pink & Posey. As the founder of The Posey Box and Paper Talk Podcast, I specialize in building bouquets and arrangements for brides and commercial works. My work has been featured on Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, Greenwood Rising Museum, Nordstrom, Fran's Chocolate, Creative Live, Carte Fini’s Feature Artist, Lia Griffith's Artist Interview Series, The Handmade Showroom, Grapheme Letterpress, Pho Bac Seattle, Oscar & Co, Caroline Tran Photography, Kelly Lemon Photography, 100 Layer Cake, KING5 New Day, Seattle Evening Magazine and Refined Seattle. Another love of Quynh, is teaching. She have taught at the following organizations: Studio Life in Seattle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, Novelty HIll-Januk Winery, The Handmade Showroom, Grapheme Letterpress, Fran's Chocolate and at her own studio, The Posey Box.

Jessie Chui
Hello, I'm Jessie Chui the artist behind Crafted to Bloom. I am a self-taught artist, educator, entrepreneur, lawyer, and the author of Paper Flower Art, Create Beautifully Realistic Floral Arrangements (GMC Publications, 2019). After a 7-year legal career, I shifted my focus to raise our son and pursue my creativity. My paper floral art quickly drew the attention of The Paper Place a retail paper store in Toronto, Ontario, and I began to teach workshops there. With this encouragement, I formally established my art studio Crafted to Bloom in 2016. My work has been featured on 100 Layer Cake, Green Wedding Shoes, Greenwood Rising Museum, The Freedom Factory Art Gallery, Carte Fini's Feature Artist, Lia Griffith’s Artist Interview Series, WedLuxe, Holt Renfrew’s Holiday Magazine, Breathe Magazine, and the Botanical Brouhaha podcast, to name a few. In addition to making paper florals on commission, she offers paper flower workshops as well as online paper flower courses. She offers education and mentorship through Paper Talk and Paper Flower Education, and a weekly podcast called Paper Talk, which she cofounded. Jessie resides in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada with her husband, 4-year old, and toddler.

Enrolment for the Workshop Bundle is now closed, but you can still buy workshops a la carte for $85 each!

SEP 16, 2021 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
To kick things off, Awesome Blossom! will cover the basics. We’re talking understanding crepe manipulation of every kind, using lamination options of all stripes, diving into coloring techniques from a plethora of mediums, and MORE! Even if you’re an experienced paper florist, you will benefit from perfecting these skills. Plus, our series will always include advanced techniques for you pros who are ready for them.

EUCALYPTUS with Jessie
OCT 14, 2021 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
Foliage is frequently overlooked, but it is often the most stunning complement to flowers. Eucalyptus foliage is popular in arrangements and bouquets for good reason. The one we will be making is called Baby Blue, as it has bluish green leaves that alternate from side to side. Jessie loves everything about it. It offers strong lines to draw your eye, great coverage between flowers, and its bluish tint makes pink flowers pop. She’ll show you how to use a template and cut freehand, laminate leaves to create a more durable structure, and alternative ways of painting the leaves to achieve layers that mimic that elusive powdered-blue or green tinge. Finally, she’ll share with you the top 3 things she considers when making and choosing foliage for arrangements.

NOV 18, 2021 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
How do you pick paper foliages that will balance and add interest to your floral arrangements? Jasmine vine is a fantastic choice. The ombre white and magenta jasmine flowers anchor and bridge your florals to your dark foliages. Quynh will show you how to make these tiny florets and buds, plus show you how to color them to match the flowers you will be making in the coming months. Along with the little blooms, she will teach you how to quickly make lots of foliage easily, how to wire and blend your leaves to create a vine, and how to attach the floral sprig to your leaves. The jasmine vine will create movement and interest in your paper arrangements.

JAN 13, 2022 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
When you think of roses, the hybrid tea rose is probably what comes to mind. It’s such an iconic flower and for good reason! As it opens, it unfurls its outer petals ever so gently around that beautiful swirl in the middle. It’s the perfect flower to create textures deep in an arrangement and layer with other flowers to create depth. You think you know what a rose looks like, but do you really? Jessie will show you how to create not one, but three forms: a tear-dropped shaped bud, a tight rose, and a blooming rose. You’ll make all three by simply changing up the technique she uses. She’ll also show you how to create (and why you should use) color variations in your burgundy-merlot-aubergine roses, plus how to add shadows on petals using a painting technique from the Renaissance period.

FEB 17, 2022 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
Quynh will break down the various parts of this anemone. Did you know that the petals of the anemone are actually called sepals and not petals, and they can range from five to twenty in number? That it has bracts to hold up all its sepals? By better understanding its anatomy, you can better create one from crepe. Though the petals might be simple, Quynh will show you how to cup, reverse cup, and flute the petals, plus add tiny details to each so that they will stand out and be unique. But the main show stopper will be those intense yellow stamens in the center. The biggest challenge is creating uniform fringe for these delicate stamens. Quynh will teach you how to cut your stamens so they are equal and thin, as well as how to wrap them evenly around the center of the anemone.

BOMB PEONY with Jessie
MAR 17 & 18, 2022 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
As the show-stopping focal flower, the bomb peony is a mass of petals and beauty. They scream, “Look at me!” You can create a simple arrangement for your home with only a few stems in a vase, or you can weave them in with other flowers to make a statement piece. Either way, they’re sure to stop people in their tracks. But how many times have you tried to make this stunner only for it to end up looking like scrunched up tissue? Jessie will talk about what to look out for when designing a peony and what you should keep in mind when creating any white flower. She’ll teach you how to colour the paper, how to free-hand cut, and how to shape and attach the petals so there’s a randomness to them that looks natural and effortless. After you’ve made this flower with her, you’ll know how to look at a form of any flower and know how to tackle it in sections.

APR 14, 2022 at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET
Have you ever created a multi-flower stem before? It takes a bit of planning. Quynh will show you how to create flowers in various stages of bloom: tiny green buds, about to bloom, and full bloom. She will explain the mechanisms of building multiple stems to create a smooth and clean transition from bud to flower, flower to flower. You’ll learn how to space your buds and florets to show the various bloom stages on one stem. She’ll also teach you how to easily cut multiple petals.

MAY 14, 2022 (date & time to be confirmed)
Now that you have a collection of flowers, we’ll show you how we like to arrange them! You’ll be given a recipe for how to make a small arrangement and a large arrangement, as well as suggestions for how to create a light and airy arrangement or a dark and moody arrangement. We’ll be using the Abby compote and Holly Chapple pillow, which are very popular with florists.
A month before each class, we will provide a list of materials and tools (including alternative materials) that you’ll need for that class. We will also provide you with a list of anything you need to pre-make ahead of time, with guided instructions in video or in written format. Written instructions and templates will also be made available ahead of the virtual workshop.
No materials are included in the workshop fee(s). You have the option to buy a box of supplies that includes a pair of Kai scissors personalized with your name and Aleene's Clear Tacky Glue (new product). Only available until August 6th through our partner, The Posey Box.

Enrolment for the Workshop Bundle is now closed, but you can still buy workshops a la carte for $85 each!
What is the refund policy?
If you purchased the workshop series bundle or individual workshops from June 26 to August 6, 2021: After you attend the first virtual workshop on September 16, if you’re not completely satisfied you can ask for a refund within 14 days and receive 100% money back minus transaction fees. Refund deadline is September 30, 2021.
The workshop series starts on September 16, 2021. No refund will be offered before the start of the workshop series. The same policy applies if you did not purchase the workshop series bundle, but a la carte during the sale period of June 26 to August 6, 2021.
If you purchased the individual workshop(s) after August 6, 2021: After you attend the first virtual workshop on September 16 or have watched a replay of it, if you’re not completely satisfied, you can ask for a full refund no later than 30 days before the start date of the workshop and receive 100% money back minus transaction fees. For example, if you purchased the Jasmine vine workshop (which is scheduled for November 18, 2021), and after watching the Basic Techniques workshop you’re not satisfied, you can ask for a refund no later than October 18, 2021.
How do I attend the workshops?
A Zoom link will be provided before class via email and on the workshop page. You can download the Zoom app or access Zoom on your browser. We recommend participating using something with a large screen like a computer or big tablet. (You don’t want to miss any details!).
Are the workshops recorded?
Yes! All of the virtual workshops are recorded and available to watch and rewatch online in your workshop portal. So don’t worry if you cannot attend live. We have students from all over the world and in different time zones. Some students opt not to attend any of the virtual workshops in real time and instead wait to watch the recordings at their leisure just like an online course!
How long can I access the live recordings and other workshop materials for?
You will have lifetime access as long as Pink and Posey and Paper Talk exists. (Don’t worry—we don’t plan on going anywhere.)
What materials or tools do I need to participate in each virtual workshop?
Each paper flower workshop has its own home on the website. A list of materials and tools will be available there 30 days prior to the date of the scheduled workshop. We will send out notifications and reminders through the Facebook Group. Let us know if you don’t get your FB invite after signing up.
What skill level is this workshop for?
Beginner and intermediate makers, crafters, and artists. We’ll have extra help on hand for those who need a bit of help, and we will provide more skilled options in video format that you can view after the class.
What is the Golden Ticket?
This is available only to those who purchased the bundle option from July 26 to August 6, 2021. You’ll access exclusive savings for the upcoming in-person workshop at Holly Chapple’s Hope Flower Farm in Loudoun County, Virginia, USA, tentatively scheduled for May 14, 2022. That’s right, you can celebrate with us on International Paper Flower Day! There will be a limited number of spots available, and you will get first dibs. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Golden Ticket holders will also receive a special gift when you come to the in-person workshop.
Can I make these flowers and resell them or reteach these flowers to others?
No, you cannot make these flowers in the way that we teach you in this workshop and then sell them as your own. We want you to take what you learn in our workshop series as a jumping off point for experimentation and finding your own unique style. Also, you cannot teach these flowers using materials, instructions, or templates from these workshop tutorials. Our written materials and templates are copyrighted. We worked hard to put this workshop series together and we hope you will respect that.
Got more questions?
Email our team at [email protected]

Buy 8 workshops as a bundle for only $297!
Psst…You save almost $400!

Buy the virtual workshop series as a bundle for only $297!
The bundle includes all 8 virtual workshops and recordings: Eucalyptus, Pink Jasmine Vine, Hybrid Rose, Japanese Anemone, Bomb Peony, Double Flowered Stock, and Paper Flower Mechanics and Arrangement, and Basic Techniques.
By buying the bundle, you not only save almost $400, but you also get a Golden Ticket for a special discount to our workshop at Holly Chapple's Hope Flower Farm in Loudoun County, Virginia, USA, tentatively scheduled for May of 2022.
Offer valid from July 26 to August 6, 2021.