Episode 60: How to Beautifully Photograph Your Products with Caroline Tran

Season #2

Photographer Caroline Tran lets us in on the secret behind making more online sales: showcasing your paper flower product in its best light, both figuratively and literally.


Have you ever browsed the competition and been shocked to find that other paper florists are charging way more than you are for similar products? How are they able to make such a higher profit? Why are customers swayed by their offerings? 

Caroline Tran of Caroline Tran Photography sold her own creative goods, once upon a time, and was puzzled by the price discrepancies she found. After some sleuthing, she figured out the reason why and let us in on it in this latest episode of Paper Talk. Here’s a clue from Caroline: “The way you present your stuff is going to make the difference between whether someone’s willing to pay $80 for it or $8 for it.” 


She also provided extremely useful information about photographing your products to showcase online. Here’s what you’ll learn when you listen to her episode:

  • Tricks and tips to photograph your products in their best light (both figuratively and literally).

  • The best apps and programs you can use to edit your photos.

  • How to make artificial light look natural. 

  • A beginner’s explanation of exposure, aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

  • Setting up a mini studio space for easy, painless shots of your products.


No matter your skill level, you can learn from Caroline. Being able to take beautiful shots of your flowers can lead to increased sales, and it’s an especially valuable skill during these quarantine times when collaborating with a photographer isn’t always possible. Listen now to up your photo game and start selling more paper flowers!


Grab your Freebies here!


Learn more about Caroline by following her on social media:




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