Episode 42: The New 90 G Italian Crepe Paper with Mike Benso

Season #2

We are catching up with Mike Benson of Carte Fini. Carte Fini is based in San Diego, California and it is an online distributor of Cartotecnica Rossi Italian crepe paper and ships worldwide.

Mike chatted with us on Paper Talk way back when we first started this podcast, on Episode 2. You can read and hear more about Mike on Episode 2: Friends of TPFC - Chatting With the Crepe Paper King.

Carte Fini has been a generous sponsor and collaborator of our workshops. In addition to sponsoring the 2019 Masterclass in Monroe, Washington, Mike also attended our Toronto Workshop in September 2019.

Both of us were lucky recipients of a sample package of the 90 g Italian crepe paper and we were one of the first few to have tested the paper. We are incredibly thrilled to see that it's now available for purchase on Carte Fini's online store.


Today, we talk to Mike about our love for the 90 g and Carte Fini adding Design Master sprays to their product lines.

> In this Episode, we also talked to Mike about being part of our Garden Rose Workshop in Seattle in June. Subsequent to our podcast recording, the Workshop has been postponed due to the State and Federal restrictions implemented as a result of Covid-19.


Learn more about Mike and Carte Fini by following them on social media:




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